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Newland specializes in products and solutions in the Auto-ID industry. With over 15 years of non-stop research in 2D barcode reading technology, Newland has become a well-known expert in the global market. Newland commits themselves to delivering the best products and services.

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  1. Newland Fixed Barcode Scanner
    Part #: NLS-FM430L-U | SKU: NEW517979

    FM430, 2D Megapixel Fixed Mount Scanner, 2-IR Sensors, Adv. Data Formatting, White Illumination, Trigger Button, 2m USB cable.
    MSRP: $255.00 Price: $227.08
    In Stock
  2. Newland Barcode Scanner
    Part #: NLS-HR5280-BT-C(U) | SKU: NEW602952

    2D Handheld BT Class2 Cordless Scanner, 1D/2D, Megapixel, IP54, 1.8m Drop, Advanced Data Formatting. Includes: 2-Position Charging Base & PS - Black - Transportation & Logistics
    MSRP: $423.00 Price: $376.39
    In Stock
  3. Newland Fixed Barcode Scanner
    Part #: NLS-FR4080-20 | SKU: NEW582688

    FR4080, 2D Megapixel Presentation Scanner with USB cable, CPU decoding, Advanced Data Formatting
    MSRP: $202.00 Price: $179.86
    In Stock
  4. Newland N7 Mobile Computer
    Part #: NLS-N7-AER-7KJG-N | SKU: NEW680256

    Mobile Computers - Newland N7 - N7 - 2D Imager Megapixel Standard Range (CM6X) - 4G/64G - Android 10 AER - Gorilla Glass - 13MP back camera - Bluetooth/Wi-Fi/GPS/NFC - 29 keys - Ndevor. Includes Power Supply and USB Cable
    MSRP: $1,061.00 Price: $943.75
    In Stock
  5. Newland Barcode Scanner
    Part #: NLS-BS8080-1D | SKU: NEW725677

    Barcode Scanners - Newland - 1D Bluetooth Mobile Linear Imager Scanner (2500 pixels) - w/ USB cable - Wireless/Batch operation - 1Mb - Date & Time - Type-C USB Cable
    Price: $195.83
    In Stock
  6. Newland Barcode Scanner
    Part #: NLS-BS8060-2T | SKU: NEW517986

    BS8060, 2D Bluetooth Mobile Area Imager Scanner (EM3396), 1D, PDF417, DataMatrix, QRCode, Wireless/Batch, 1Mb, Date & Time.
    MSRP: $274.00 Price: $243.75
    In Stock
  7. Newland Barcode Scanner
    Part #: NLS-NVH300-D0 | SKU: NEW602950

    Barcode Scanners - Newland NVH300 - 2D Megapixel DPM Scanner - High Density - Advanced Data Formatting - White/Red/Blue Illumination - Vibration - IP64 - 1.8m Drop - includes 2m straight USB Cable - Industrial applications
    MSRP: $1,402.00 Price: $1,246.53
    In Stock
  8. Newland Fixed Barcode Scanner
    Part #: NLS-FM3080-20 | SKU: NEW582686

    FM3080, 2D Fixed Mounted Scanner, 2m USB Cable, Configurable Color Led, Flush Scanning Windows 50 mm x 50 mm, Advanced Data Formatting, IP65
    MSRP: $255.00 Price: $227.08
    In Stock
  9. Newland Fixed Barcode Scanner
    Part #: NLS-FM6080-U | SKU: NEW712176

    Fixed Scanners - Newland FM60 - 2D Megapixel Presentation Scanner Medium Scanning Windows - USB cable - CPU decoding - Advanced Data Formatting - Includes Power Supply.
    MSRP: $338.00 Price: $300.69
    In Stock
  10. Newland Accessory
    Part #: CBL042UA V2.0 | SKU: NEW712204

    Cables - Connectors - and Adapters - Newland - USB cable - 6ft/2m - EFT Anti-Interference for HR1150 - HR1550 - HR2081 - HR2160 - HR2260 - HR3280 - HR4250 - NVH300-H0 - and FR Scanners
    Price: $20.00
    In Stock

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