Reads magnetic stripes. The Omni reads up to three tracks of information with a single swipe in either direction. In combination, the same Omni unit can read both bar code and magnetic stripe media. TTL, RS-232, keyboard wedge, USB/Keyboard, and Weigand interfaces are available.
Edits and formats data. The Omni can be programmed to divide, rearrange, edit, and validate fields of scanned data. In addition, it allows for up to 16 preamble or postamble characters. Data editing for the Weigand interface can be programmed with an optional RS-232 adaptor cable.
Scans bar codes. The Omni scans bar codes printed on paper, card stock, or plastic. An infrared option is available for security-based applications, where bar codes are overprinted to prevent duplication.
Stands up to heavy use. The Omni reader is designed for demanding applications, such as for access control or in self-service kiosks. Its die-cast metal base, stainless steel wearplate, and impact-resistant housing make it ideal for stand-alone, high-volume traffic. Its metal base can be securely mounted with screws, and cable exits are avaliable at the side, end, or bottom of the unit. A weatherproof/extended temperature version is also available for use in harsh environments.